
Reiden (assembling) describes in knife manufacturing the process by which the blade is joined to the hilt. In a sense, this is the assembly of the essential components of a knife. First, the hilt shells, liners and blade are placed on top of each other in line with the holes provided so that the rivet pins can then be driven in. After the protruding pin ends have been cut off, the riveting is done with the riveting hammer. This gives the blade the final cohesion of its components. The particular challenge lies in hammering in the pins accurately and in line with the material in order to avoid damage to the handle. The assembled knife is then sent to the cutter, which grinds away any protruding burrs and indentations on the handle and tang. In Solingen, the reider (assembler) was considered an independent profession. Cooking knives as well as razors and pocket knives are cut in the Boker manufactory according to traditional craftsmanship.