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Knife Shop

The whole world of knives

High-quality knives have been handmade in our Manufactory since 1869. Even in Solingen, the city of blades, our traditionally produced pocket knives, fixed knives, razors and chef's knives are still something very special. Our knife shop is directly attached to our Manufactory and offers beside the knives manufactured here also a huge assortment of products from all over the world. Hundreds of different knives, sharpeners, flashlights and matching accessories can be viewed here without any stress. Of course, there are also numerous reduced discontinued models and special offers to be discovered. A visit is definitely worth it!

Opening hours

Our opening hours:
Monday to Friday : 9 am - 5 pm, Saturday: 9 am - 12 pm


Heinr. Böker Baumwerk GmbH
Schützenstr. 30
42659 Solingen, Germany